Polly Weston
Chair, Association for Continence Advice (ACA)
Bowel and bladder problems can have a devastating effect on quality of life and dignity, both for those who are dependant on others due to physical or mental disability, as well as otherwise independent people.
The all-party parliamentary group (APPG) for Bladder and Bowel Continence Care has been supporting a campaign to ensure equality in men’s toilet facilities since November 2018. It recognises that it is a human right to have access to a private toilet with adequate facilities, as set out in the Human Right Act 1998.
Access to a private public toilet
APPG continues to lobby for ‘Bins for Boys’ and have been working with healthcare professionals and key influencers to encourage national change to promote equal facilities in all public toilets.
A lack of access to men’s toilets with adequate facilities can be off-putting and cause social isolation.
We know that Covid-19 saw a rise in loneliness and social isolation and led to a seven-minute briefing (Dec 2020) which focused on a rise in mental health issues as a result of loneliness.
A call for evidence consolation outcome (July 2022) states that the Government is encouraging local councils to open more public toilets following the Covid-19 lockdown. Local councils need to consider the duty of care to ensure methods of collecting waste are available and safely managed, according to the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
Bladder and bowel dysfunction remains a taboo topic, and that alone can cause social isolation and impact mental health.
Impact on mental health
Bladder and bowel dysfunction remains a taboo topic, and that alone can cause social isolation and impact mental health. The true correlation between men’s isolation due to lack of adequate toilet facilities and mental health is unknown, but it remains a huge concern.
I am thankful to APPG for supporting this important cause, and I urge healthcare professionals, local authorities and the public to support and raise awareness to improve public toilet facilities for men.