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Why cardiovascular disease in women is under-diagnosed and under-treated

Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death in women. Better treatments are needed, so it’s vital that female patients with the condition participate in research studies. It’s time to shatter the myth that only men are affected by cardiovascular disease (CVD), such as high blood pressure and stroke. In reality, it’s a leading cause … Continued
Cardiovascular Health Q1 2023

Ways to better health for our one heart

The recent demise of high-profile public figures due to cardiovascular disease and some startling events on the sports field are unfortunate reminders that CVD is a disease without borders. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims more lives globally than any other disease. However, 80% of premature heart attacks and strokes — responsible for a significant portion of … Continued
Overweight Black Woman Having A Heart Disease
Cardiovascular Health Q1 2024

Embedding innovation to improve CVD diagnosis and treatment

Learn how innovation in the NHS is helping to tackle cardiovascular disease. The Health Innovation Network is the innovation arm of the NHS — operating as a collective voice for our 15 local networks, working within local regions to transform healthcare through innovation. In line with the aims set out in the NHS Long Term … Continued