Jules Payne
Chief Executive, Heart UK
It is important for people to know and understand their cholesterol and blood fat numbers. They must then be able to take the appropriate actions to control it.
We all need some cholesterol in our bodies, but too much is when problems arise. When there is too much cholesterol circulating in the body, it builds up in the arteries and can eventually cause a heart attack or stroke.
As an organisation, our vision is to prevent premature disease and deaths from cholesterol and other blood fats.
Importance of cholesterol numbers
Around half of adults in the UK are living with raised cholesterol (above 5 mmol/l), which is a significant cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor. Cholesterol is a silent killer and often the first sign of a problem is a heart attack or stroke. The first step to knowing whether you have a problem is to have a cholesterol test.
During the pandemic, 1.2 million NHS Health Checks were missed and there were 80 million fewer in person GP appointments than in 2019.
Sadly, cholesterol testing on the NHS took a back seat during the height of the pandemic. NHS Health Checks are offered to people in England between the ages of 40 and 74, cholesterol testing is part of this check.
Attending your cholesterol check
During the pandemic, 1.2 million NHS Health Checks were missed and there were 80 million fewer in person GP appointments than in 2019. Things are not back on track yet. It is anticipated that there is likely to be an additional 12,000 heart attacks or strokes in the next five years if action isn’t taken.
We will continue to raise public awareness of CVD risk factors and ensure that people are aware of the dangers of cholesterol as well as the importance of knowing and understanding their numbers. Once you know you have an issue, it can be managed through diet and lifestyle and medication when appropriate.
HEART UK – The cholesterol charity is a national organisation providing support, education and influencing services for people with raised cholesterol and other blood fat conditions and healthcare professionals treating those people.
For more information visit: heartuk.org.uk