Dr Michael Tripolt, MD, MPH
Dermatology and Venereology, Surgeon and Founder, SkinScreener
Your skin and moles are changing all the time. Dr Tripolt answers common questions around symptoms of skin cancer and how an app can help you check your moles.
In the past decade (2011-2021) incidence rates of skin cancer have increased by 44%. Skin cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the UK, with about 16,200 melanoma and 156,000 new cases of non-melanoma skin cancer. ² There are 430 new non-melanoma skin cancer cases every day in the UK. ¹
What are the characteristics and symptoms to look out for?
Skin cancer almost always develops on the surface of the skin, making it visible and palpable. However, many of us do not know what the dangerous disease looks like and overlook the first signs. Precise and regular self-examination and observation of the skin enables early detection of malignant melanoma.
How can I recognise malignant melanoma?
The skin is evolving over time, so are your moles. Atypical melanomas have typical features by which they can be recognised quite well. Their characteristics are also known as the ABCDE rule (Asymmetrical, irregular border, different colour, more than 1mm and more than 1mm elevation).
The most commonly affected areas of the body are where the skin is frequently exposed to UV radiation.
How can I detect non-melanoma skin cancer?
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) can develop anywhere on the body. The most commonly affected areas of the body are where the skin is frequently exposed to UV radiation.
How can an app help with skin cancer screening and risk assessment?
SkinScreener is a smartphone-based medical device that uses the camera and flashlight of your mobile device to take a photo of your skin lesions. Then the app calculates the risk of malignancy using our clinically proven artificial intelligence. The AI technology has a 95% accuracy and is the only app on the market that can detect both types of skin cancer, melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer.
How can B2B partners benefit?
Our insurance partners offer the app to their policyholders for real-time monitoring, early detection, and prevention. This increases connectivity with users, increases efficiency and optimises resources. Corporations implement SkinScreener into their employee health care and wellbeing plans.
Who can use SkinScreener?
The app is available for free in app stores. Major B2B corporations, insurances and pharma started using it in 2021 and trust in a clinical proven medical app.
For business enquiries, contact our London based Business Development Representative [email protected]
[1] Cancer Research UK
[2] The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, Volume 2, March 2021, Pages 100040