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Education is key to beating the global diabetes challenge

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diabetes diabetes blood sugar education training teaching

The global diabetes challenge is expected to grow rapidly over the next few decades, prompting the need for more in-depth education on the condition.

New figures from the International Diabetes Federation estimate that the number of cases of diabetes worldwide will increase from around 370 million to over 550 million over the next couple of decades.

This huge growth is alarming from a social viewpoint but also of great concern to healthcare systems around the world that are already struggling to cope with the increased numbers of patients requiring treatment.

Research has shown that tight blood glucose management both for type 1 and for type 2 diabetes can reduce the risk of the long-term complications associated with diabetes including stroke, blindness, kidney failure and amputation.

In order to help their patients achieve optimal glycaemic control, however, healthcare delivery teams need to keep their knowledge and skills updated with regards to diabetes, its clinical presentation and treatment and the new therapies that are being developed to help manage the condition more effectively.

Diabetes: A global challenge

The explosion in the number of cases being diagnosed is not limited to just a handful of countries or to one or two geographical areas. Countries witnessing these soaring numbers range from China and India through the Russian Federation and the Middle East to the USA, Mexico and Brazil with virtually no area escaping an increased prevalence.

As a result, global education programmes are becoming more and more important for the healthcare teams tasked with caring for these patients. Modern diabetes care, management and treatment often relies on the effective collaboration of the multidisciplinary team that incorporates doctors, diabetes specialist nurses, nurse educators and dieticians, podiatrists, optometrists and ophthalmologists and psychologists.

The internationality of the diabetes problem requires innovative online education solutions that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

The world renowned BMJ has partnered with the University of Leicester to offer unique Postgraduate Diabetes Qualifications that give healthcare professionals from around the world the opportunity to learn from experts in an engaging online environment.

The internationality of the diabetes problem requires innovative online education solutions that can be accessed from anywhere in the world

Students report that this course format allows a much appreciated flexibility with an obvious added advantage that new knowledge in clinical practice can be rapidly applied

Not only does this kind of online, distance learning programme equip students with an expert understanding of all aspects of diabetes and to develop competences in the diagnosis, treatment, and decision-making in the care of people with diabetes, it prepares students for Masters level study whilst developing new skills.

It is hoped that these, in turn, will limit the preventable burden of diabetes by helping to encourage the leaders of the future in diabetes care, the promotion of research and the application of current scientific evidence.

For more information on this qualification, go to

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