Bev Iceton
exante Customer
Bev was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2018, and she has now put her diabetes into remission through following a low-calorie diet and utilising meal replacements to support her weight loss.
“I found out I had type 2 diabetes after I received routine blood test results at a doctor’s appointment. I was absolutely devastated. I was prescribed medication for the condition and felt that there were no treatment options for me, other than to be on medication for the rest of my life.”
When Bev was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in October 2018, she weighed 80kg. Bev tried to lose weight by cutting down on her favourite snacks: cakes, bread & biscuits.
Research study into low calorie diets
She then began searching for information and treatment options and was referred to participate in a new study, hosted by experts at Newcastle University.
“Within eight weeks of starting the trial, I was down from 12st 5lb to 10st 5lb, my bloods showed I was in remission and I’ve stayed that way ever since.”
Since using meal replacements, my mind set has totally changed for the better and I look at food differently now.
“They said that I’d be a prime candidate for their low-calorie diet study to help me lose weight safely. Shortly after, I started my new 12-week total diet replacement with their support.”
“My total diet replacement involved three low calorie shakes or soups a day, plus extra vegetables – it was so simple to do,” explains Bev.
“I found prepping all my food for the day in the morning really useful, and I would try different vegetables that I wouldn’t normally eat to mix things up and keep my taste buds interested. I also found plenty of Tupperware and good scales were a god-send!”
Making long term behaviour change
“Since the low-calorie diet programme, my mind set has totally changed for the better and I look at food differently now,” says Bev.
“My shopping habits are far healthier and when I eat out, I’ll go for a healthier option and skip dessert – except for the occasional treat! The programme has taught me how to enjoy the foods I love in moderation.”
Bev wanted to go on to inspire others to make similar changes to their lifestyle. She says: “my husband has also lost 10kg, we’re living much healthier lives together. I get so many compliments from him, friends and family about how good I look now.”
“My skin is clearer, and people say I’ve got my sparkle back – I didn’t realise that I’d lost it but now I see that I definitely had.”
“I can honestly say that the low calorie diet programme changed my life for the better.”
exante is a market leading diet and wellbeing brand in the UK meal replacement space. It is a simple and convenient weight loss solution that can help people with type 2 diabetes manage their weight. Read more at www.exantediet.com