Join the conversation, by searching for the hashtag on Twitter, on October 27th, from 12pm (UK time).
Discuss, on Twitter, how to manage chronic pain without the use of opioid medication.
We’d love to have your voice in the chat; we want opinions from patients, organisations, healthcare professionals and carers – and for all experiences of chronic pain to be represented.
The more responses and involvement we can gather, the wider the message will spread. The ultimate goal is that the questions spark a nationwide discussion on Twitter, around managing pain and treatment options.
Some of our Twitter Chat contributors

The chat’s questions are outlined below. If scheduling ahead of time, please plan your answers to post around one minute after the corresponding question, to keep things flowing!
Q1 12:00 What would you say are the biggest challenges when it comes to chronic pain management?
(Answer with A1: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q2 12:06 Why, would you say, it’s important to consider non-opioid therapies for chronic pain?
(Answer with A2: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q3 12:12 What new, non-opioid therapies are emerging, for treating chronic pain?
(Answer with A3: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q4 12:18 What is radio frequency ablation therapy for chronic pain, and how does it work?
(Answer with A4: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q5 12:24 What is spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain, and how does it work?
(Answer with A5: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q6 12:30 What are the stigmas associated with life and living with chronic pain?
(Answer with A6: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q7 12:36 Why, would you say, it’s important to consider combination therapy for chronic pain?
(Answer with A7: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q8 12:42 When is a patient suitable for spinal cord stimulation therapy?
(Answer with A8: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q9 12:48 When is a patient suitable for radio frequency ablation therapy?
(Answer with A9: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q10 12:54 What are your top tips for day-to-day chronic pain management?
(Answer with A10: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q11 13:00 What are the different responses people may have to spinal cord stimulation?
(Answer with A11: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q12 13:06 What are the different responses people may have to radio frequency ablation therapy?
(Answer with A12: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q13 13:12 How does living with chronic pain affect people mentally?
(Answer with A13: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q14 13:18 What has lockdown been like for people living with chronic pain?
(Answer with A14: and #ManagingPainChat)
Q15 13:24 What can a patient expect from a radiofrequency ablation treatment session?
(Answer with A15: and #ManagingPainChat)
For more information, please contact [email protected]