The Women’s Equality Party was established in 2015 to highlight and dismantle obstacles to gender equality in the UK: a political and economic architecture rigged against women and diversity; an education system riven with unconscious bias and gender stereotyping; a media that reinforces these stereotypes; and a society that underpays women, invests less in women’s health, assigns little value to caregiving and therefore assumes it to be women’s business, and permits endemic harassment and violence against women.

Menopause Workshops for Women in the Workplace
How to ‘embrace’ and make the most of this chapter of your life. On our Menopause Day Retreats for individuals you can expect, 1-1’s and advice, support and the development of an action plan for individuals. Our next open ‘Menopause Day’ is on February 2nd in Diss, Norfolk. To take advantage of our ‘early bird’ offer and book your place please click here. Lecture style presentations for Managers and train ‘Menopause Champions’ in the workplace.

As menopause in the workplace experts, we provide line manager training, colleague events, policy and communications guidance. We have a proven track record in implementing effective, practical changes, making it easy for you to introduce the right menopause awareness, education and support. All organisations need to take menopause in the workplace seriously.