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Home » Neurology » Time is brain: leader in stroke and brain aneurysm medical device innovation

Nagesh Uppuluri, PhD

Sr. VP Global Clinical and Medical Affairs, Terumo Neuro

Global neuroendovascular innovation leader urges, ‘Time is brain,’ developing groundbreaking ischemic stroke and brain aneurysm medical device technology deeply rooted in clinical evidence and physician collaboration. 

Amplified by the American Stroke Association, the globally recognised acronym F.A.S.T. (Face drooping, Arm weakness, Slurred speech, Time to call emergency services) was created to ensure a speedy and effective response for people experiencing a stroke. While the tool is widely used to facilitate the identification of stroke symptoms, it also underscores the urgency of seeking immediate treatment. T = Time, and ‘Time is brain,’ explains Nagesh Uppuluri, Senior VP of Global Clinical and Medical Affairs at Terumo Neuro. “Millions of neurons die every minute during stroke, which could result in irreversible damage; every minute counts.” 

Development of neurovascular technology

This race against time is not only facilitating speedy access to primary care, but it is driving the development of quick, effective and minimally invasive devices designed to enhance treatment outcomes. Terumo Neuro is globally known for medical device innovations that redefine what is possible in neuroendovascular treatment to meaningfully advance both physician practice and patient outcomes. 

“Over the last 15–20 years, we have seen a rapid rate of technological innovation within the neurovascular space. Devices used to treat aneurysm and stroke are becoming more precise, minimally invasive, less traumatic, safe and improving outcomes,” says Uppuluri. “In the past, coils were the primary method for treating brain aneurysms, but with the introduction of devices like the FRED™ X™ flow  diverter, we are now able to treat the underlying disease mechanism — not just the rupture risk.” 

Terumo Neuro’s FRED™ X™ flow diverter sits within a wide portfolio of products that continue to set the standard for neuroendovascular care, including the SOFIA™ catheter and the Woven EndoBridge (WEB™) device. 

We are now able to treat the
underlying disease mechanism
— not just the rupture risk.

Evidence-based innovation

Setting themselves apart through evidence-based innovation, Terumo Neuro is dedicated to generating the clinical data needed to bring neuroendovascular products to market. Uppuluri says: “Clinical evidence instils trust in both physicians and patients, ensuring that devices are not only safe but also effective at improving outcomes.” Working alongside clinicians to accurately address real-world clinical needs, the company’s commitment to innovation in neurovascular technology is contributing to the improvement of global patient outcomes. 

“Stroke was once one of the leading causes of death and disability, but thanks to this improved technology and clinical advancements, we’re seeing a slight reduction in its burden. However, there is far more work to be done to make a significant impact, thus our continued commitment to innovation in this area,” he explains. “The clinical evidence we have today shows that many patients can live disability-free lives after stroke treatment, which is an incredible achievement that is giving people back their pre-stroke quality of life.” 

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