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Sleep Health 2025

How to ‘HEAL’ your sleep problems

Dr. David Crepaz-Keay

Head of Research & Applied Learning, Mental Health Foundation

If you struggle to get the most out of your bedtime, it’s worth seeing if the ‘four HEAL pillars’ of quality sleep can help.

If you want to sleep well, you need to be prepared for the right kind of sleep. Quality sleep is crucial. Poor sleep can worsen our performance, mood, interpersonal relationships and physical health.


Our health is vital to how we sleep. For example, physical health problems, like a cold, can disrupt sleep. Medication can help, but check with a medical professional first, as incorrect medication can worsen sleep.

Mental health problems, like anxiety, can also impact sleep. Tackling these issues and poor sleep together is often best.


The world around you affects your sleep, too. Your bedroom should be associated with sleep, so remove distractions and do hobbies elsewhere to help you relax better at bedtime. Light, noise and room temperature are key. If you can’t control light and noise conditions, use an eye mask or earplugs. For temperature, adjust your bedding or open a window to make the temperature comfortable. Keep a sleep diary to identify the conditions that help you sleep best.

Getting into the right mindset
for sleep is essential.


Getting into the right mindset for sleep is essential. Take a break from mobiles, tablets and other screen work or gaming devices. Shift your focus to activities that relax and rejuvenate you. Try relaxation techniques like mindfulness through deep breathing. Some people find writing down what’s worrying them helpful, so they can come back to it refreshed. Alternatively, make yourself a warm, non-caffeinated drink.

If your problems last over a month, speak with your GP who will help identify causes and can offer a range of treatments, including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT can treat some mental health problems by encouraging a more positive attitude, which helps you develop a healthier sleep pattern.


Changing day-to-day habits can improve sleep. Fruits and vegetables, as well as foods high in plant-based protein and unsaturated fats, can improve sleep health. However, food and drinks containing caffeine or sugar keep you awake, so avoid tea, coffee and chocolate late in the day. Alcohol may help you fall asleep but worsen sleep quality. Regular exercise reduces stress and improves sleep, but avoid night-time exercise to prevent a bedtime rush of adrenaline.

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