Rachel Rowntree
Director of Commerce, The Yes Yes Company Ltd
Vaginal dryness is a taboo subject — although it shouldn’t be because it’s extremely common and isn’t limited to menopause. Thankfully, solutions are readily available.
There’s a sex scene in And Just Like That…, the recent sequel to Sex and the City, where one of the main characters reaches for some lube. Rachel Rowntree was delighted that the scriptwriters had included this small but telling moment because it was so realistic and so true. We need to talk honestly about lube, she says. We need to talk more openly not just about lubrication but about intimate dryness, which many women face but don’t deal with.
Dryness is extremely common
“When it comes to sex, dryness can be seen as a failure,” says Rowntree, Director of Commerce at The YES YES Company which produces a range of organic intimacy products, including personal lubricants and vaginal moisturisers. “Because in what we see on TV, sex is always instantly amazing and no one ever reaches for lubricant. In reality, that’s not how it is.”
Thankfully, a new generation of women aren’t embarrassed about intimate health and think of lube as a natural part of intimacy.
Being honest is a way to change taboos
While vaginal dryness is still something of a taboo subject, Rowntree is optimistic that things are changing. “Thankfully, a new generation of women aren’t embarrassed about intimate health and think of lube as a natural part of intimacy.”
Most women will experience vaginal dryness at some point in their lives. “It can happen for hormonal reasons, such as menopause, childbirth or breastfeeding,” says Rowntree. “Or it could be down to medication like anti-depressants, contraceptives, or just stress. A woman needs to know that while it’s common to experience vaginal dryness, you don’t have to put up with it!”
Finding what works best for you
Sourcing intimate care products which respect vaginal pH, don’t irritate or exacerbate vaginal dryness has become a priority for women. Women may be hesitant about introducing a product to their vagina, which Is why we recommend sourcing natural products and avoiding parabens and glycerine.
There are natural, gentle solutions on the market, including moisturisers and lubricants. But how does a woman decide which one to use? “It’s simple,” explains Rowntree. “A moisturiser hydrates delicate tissues — so you could use it regularly, to regulate hydration in the same way you use other moisturisers. Lubricants, meanwhile, are all about sex, comfort and enhancing sexual pleasure.” Choose a pure organic product that will safeguard your intimate health while enhancing your sexual pleasure.
To find out more about YES Intimacy products visit www.yesyesyes.org and choose between Vaginal moisturisers, water based or oil based lubricants.